
Steve Collins
This was the first time I used Voodoo and shot the biggest deer of my life. I've been hunting in extreme rugged conditions in the South Mountain game lands of Western North Carolina for over 15 years. Seeing whitetails of this magnitude in our area is extremely rare much less harvesting one. It's a solid 2 hour hike to the top of the mountain where I hunt. No motorized vehicles are allowed so it's a long hike in and an exhausting drag out especially with a big 10 point. But it keeps me going back every year. I want to thank Jeff Shepherd for his awesome concoction of Voodoo deer attractant!!!

Dan Vacala - Kill 2 with Voodoo
One of the benefits of working in medicine is having patients bring in products they have developed or tried and recommend. Through the years, I have tried many deer attractants, scent blocks, lures, and other “tricks”. Since I hunt on a small piece of property that doesn’t get much attention, any product that brings deer to me is truly beneficial. Last year I found Voodoo. I got to my stand a little later than I wanted to and decided to give it a try. I sprayed a branch, climbed the tree, got settled in, and sprayed a little Voodoo again. Unfortunately, the wind was in my face and I didn’t think it would help me since I was hunting the opposite direction of my scent and the Voodoo. Within 15minutes I had a doe come in from behind me. Thinking this was my only chance I decided to take her out. As I caught my breath and sent my text messages out about my kill I heard some movement again behind me. To my amazement, an 8pt buck was coming right to the branch with the Voodoo spray. All I know is that I used Voodoo one time and left with 2 kills in less than 30 minutes. I won’t be going in the woods this year without my Voodoo!

Tim Knight - Full Time Bowhunter, Taxidermist and Owner of Bipolar Broadheads
I have been using Voodoo lure for several seasons now and have had great results. Developed by professional trapper and wildlife expert Jeff Shepard, it's the real deal. No one understands the use of scents and lures better that a trapper. I have used Voodoo as a lure for deer in the fall and winter and a cover scent for wild hogs during the heat of the summer with excellent results. Tim Knight, full time bowhunter, Taxidermist and owner of Bipolar broadheads.. To view the victims of Voodoo visit our page Bipolar broadheads on Facebook.

Brian Callihan - Singer / Songwriter
Go get ya'll some Voodoo Deer Lure this stuff works!

Jessie Shepard
Voodoo White Hot had this buck running in. Before I climbed up my stand I sprayed a limb with voodoo, and I also left the voodoo at the base of my stand. Two bucks came in, and one quickly made his way to the limb I sprayed and that is where I made the shot. The other buck did not even run off, he also came to the limb I sprayed. Two does came in afterwards and they made their way to the base of my stand where the bottle was left open. Voodoo does the trick. Thanks to the lord for such a great hunt! Voodoo does change your luck and helps you put a buck in your truck. So happy to be taking home my second buck with a bow.